How to survive in a toxic world?

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There are six broad categories of toxins: pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics, hormone residues, polycyclic hydrocarbons and heavy metals. These toxins attack cells in their most vulnerable part such as their enzymes, their membranes and their nucleic acids.

The results of cell intoxication leads to a decrease in their capacity for energy production and protein synthesis, depending on the degree of toxicity. As there are more toxins, more vital energy is lost and the cell loses its ability to multiply properly. Some toxins are more likely to affect nucleic acids like DNA. The damage produced by toxins in the DNA of the cell is much more dangerous, since it can alter its genetic code. Toxins that affect DNA are called mutagens, and damage to DNA is called a mutation, since it is passed on to all daughter cells. Cells have enzymes that can repair DNA damage, replacing damaged sections with others that have the correct structure, but this incredible regeneration capacity can be diminished by the effects of the aforementioned toxins and by age.

Toxins also induce increased production of free radicals during ATP synthesis in the mitochondria of cells. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules lacking an electron, which react rapidly with any other molecules in their vicinity, damaging crucial proteins and enzymes and weakening cellular structures. Proteins damaged by free radicals affect metabolism, as they interfere with the production of other proteins or molecules. The greater the production of non-neutralized free radicals in the body, the greater the speed of cellular and organic aging of the person, in addition to an accelerated apparent aging.

The individual therefore becomes more susceptible to chronic diseases of all kinds. The chronic diseases most closely associated with high exposure to free radicals are cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s.